
You are here because you had an amazing interview and have been chosen to move forward as a new employee.

Your next steps

For a successful onboarding experience, you will need to complete a series of steps. Each step must be completed BEFORE you can attend orientation and is time critical. Orientation is held every two weeks which means a delay in submitting your documentation will delay your authorization to begin work. Orientation is mandatory for all employees.

Complete Acknowledgements & Authorizations for your New Job


You will need to fill out a series of authorizations for your reference and background checks.

Gather your information. You will need:

  • Your driver’s license
  • Your SS#
Get Fingerprinted for your New Job

Get Fingerprinted

1). FIRST STEP: Create an account online with Georgia Fieldprint.
You will need the Employer Fieldprint code for Ascend, which is: FP-GAC14039-HRBH (include dashes).

Write down your Fieldprint user name and password in your folder. You will need these again in a couple of days.

Once you’ve created your Fieldprint account today, notification will be sent to The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD).

2). SECOND STEP: Watch your email. DBHDD will email you with an approval to schedule your finger print appointment. Once you have received DBHDD approval, you will log back into your Fieldprint account and schedule your appointment to be fingerprinted. Fieldprint offers multiple locations throughout Georgia for you to choose from.

If you have not received an approval to proceed email from DBHDD within 2-3 days, please let us know.

TB Skin Test Requirement for New Employees


TB testing is a state requirement for people working in healthcare settings and is a multi-step process.

  1. Did you have a TB skin test today? If so, make sure you return here in 48-72 hours to have the results read. Keep your documentation, we will ask you to send it to us. The results of your first test are required BEFORE you can begin orientation

If you did NOT have a TB skin test today, there are several places you can go to have your TB skin test performed, including your physician’s office, a CVS Minute Clinic, a Walmart Health Centeror your County Health Department. If you need assistance finding a location or with scheduling, let us know and we can help you.

PLEASE NOTE: Prior tests from previous employers are not valid

Time to Celebrate

Dayna or Mayra will reach out to you within two business days about next steps and to help you get ready for orientation. The next orientation begins April 22, so mark your calendar. Now, go celebrate. You were amazing today!

Dayna Veit, Senior Staffing Coordinator, Ascend Community Staffing Partners

Dayna Veit

Senior Staffing Coordinator

Mayra Lane Onboarding Specialist, Ascend Community Staffing Partners

Mayra Lane

Onboarding Specialist